Senin, 21 Oktober 2019

Download Dr.Fone for iOS For Mac

Download Dr.Fone for iOS For Mac

Download Dr.Fone for iOS 9.8.2 For Mac

Dr.Fone for iOS allows you to protect, save, recover, and organize all the data, photos, contacts or files on your iOS device from your Mac computer

The loss of data on our mobile phones is one of the greatest first-world problems that we fear the most. We all usually carry around sensitive information on our iPhones or iPads such as banking data, personal and professional contacts, our work organizer or private photos.

The software for Mac computers, Dr.Fone for iOS, allows us to avoid any trouble in the case of accidentally deleting that information from our device, damaging our phone or a flaw during the system's update, as it takes care of recovering lost data on Apple's mobile devices.

Dr.Fone for iOS For Mac Details

  • Name : Dr.Fone for iOS
  • Size: 61.5 MB 
  • Operating System : Mac
  • Current Version: 9.8.2
  • License : TRIAL 

Dr.Fone is considered as one of the best tools to recover data as it includes different menus capable of covering all the user's needs:

Don't leave the security of your iPhone's data to anyone else, download and try out this Dr.Fone for iOS, the most complete and safest app to make backups of your iPhone.

If you're looking for the latest version of Dr.Fone for iOS for Mac, You have come to the right place. You can download Dr.Fone for iOS for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Software.

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