Jumat, 31 Januari 2020

Download GarageBuy For Mac

Download GarageBuy For Mac

Download GarageBuy 3.3 For Mac

eBay is the ideal place to purchase and sell things, and with GarageBuy you'll have at hand the perfect tool to manage all your transactions and bids

Here's the first application certified by eBay to be able to access its system of searches, trackings, and purchases. For such purpose, we'll only have to introduce our account before we start, authorizing GarageBuy to access the latter as if it were simply a web page.

The application comes along with a great search system where we can search, among many other options, with the idea of finding, selling or purchasing an item, and by means of the tracking system, we can ask the application to notify use whenever any of our favorite items are on sale. GarageBuy is available for macOS for free, and also offers us a free version for iPhone and iPod touch, available in the App Store, but doesn't run on any other devices.

GarageBuy For Mac Details

  • Name : GarageBuy
  • Size: 6.5 MB 
  • Operating System : Mac
  • Current Version: 3.3
  • License : FREE 

The program offers us different views, being the most eye-catching one the gallery, where we'll see all the highlighted items resulting from our search with the price included. It also allows us to export to iCal a calendar of events with the dates that certain bids end on, as well as being able to remain aware of any changes thanks to its integration with Growl.

Furthermore, the program simplifies the sniping technique to send your bid to eBay a few seconds before the auction is over to win the bid without leaving any time to your rivals to react raising their offers. It's recommendable to do so five or ten seconds before the offer expires, but be careful with the time limits because your offer may arrive late and you may have done a snipe for nothing.

If you're looking for the latest version of GarageBuy for Mac, You have come to the right place. You can download GarageBuy for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Software.

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