Jumat, 20 Desember 2019

Download Ryzom For Mac

Download Ryzom For Mac

Download Ryzom For Mac

Ryzom outlines a futuristic environment on a faraway planet. Avoid war with the Kitins and have fun on a planet whose flora and fauna are controlled by AI

Futuristic role-playing games aren't too common... the action of these titles usually takes place in medieval environments full of knights and legendary beings. But that's not the case of Ryzom, a game that takes us two thousand years into the future to planet Atys.

This MMORPG takes us to a place with five different ecosystems ruled by an artificial intelligence system that helps the flora and fauna come to life. As a player, we'll have to choose any of the four races that live on Atys and gain experience through combats, magic, craftwork and/or exploration.

Ryzom For Mac Details

  • Name : Ryzom
  • Size: 13.5 MB 
  • Operating System : Mac
  • Current Version:
  • License : DEMO 

And your mission? Try to prevent the Kitins from endangering the planet due to their warring nature... for which purpose you'll need support and help from the rest of races.

And your mission? Try to prevent the Kitins from endangering the planet due to their warring nature... for which purpose you'll need support and help from the rest of races.

If you're looking for the latest version of Ryzom for Mac, You have come to the right place. You can download Ryzom for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Software.

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