Rabu, 28 November 2018

Download Appetizer For Windows

Download Appetizer For Windows

Download Appetizer For Windows

One of the most appealing elements for the Windows users of the OSX graphic interface is without any doubt the dock, from which we can launch applications or documents quickly without having to access them through any kind of menu, but this will become history thanks to Appetizer.

This brilliant utility allows us to configure a launcher on our desktop, which we can access through a keyboard shortcut, in which we can organize our applications and documents, using groups to order them so that we have at the tip of our hand in only two clicks all our games, applications or most important files.

Appetizer For Windows Details

  • Name : Appetizer
  • Size: 2.2 MB 
  • Operating System : Windows
  • Current Version:
  • License : FREE 

Appetizer is completely customizable, both the appearance (colors, size, position,...) and its functionality, allowing us to launch various applications or files simultaneously by means of shortcuts or add new features through plug-ins.

Appetizer is completely customizable, both the appearance (colors, size, position,...) and its functionality, allowing us to launch various applications or files simultaneously by means of shortcuts or add new features through plug-ins.

If you're looking for the latest version of Appetizer for Windows, You have come to the right place. You can download Appetizer for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Software.

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