Minggu, 10 September 2017

Download eDonkey2000 For Windows

Download eDonkey2000 For Windows

Download eDonkey2000 1.4.6 GUI Version For Windows

eDonkey2000 was the origin of the popular P2P file exchange program eMule. If you are a nostalgic person you will enjoy downloading eDonkey2000 for free

Each day fewer people remember that one of the most used programs to exchange files, eMule, has a father application known as eDonkey2000. This program, property of MetaMachine, revolutionized the Internet, being one of the first that combined the then-new "peer to peer" (P2P) technology with a usable graphical environment.

Afterward, there was an open-source adaptation that changed the icon of the "donkey" for that of a "mule", generating one of the most important applications of the last decade. eDonkey2000 was actually the name of the network of servers promoted by MetaMachine. Known also by the ED2K acronym, this network still exists nowadays, being compatible with dozens of programs, among which we will find eMule and eDonkey2000.

eDonkey2000 For Windows Details

  • Name : eDonkey2000
  • Size: 3.1 MB 
  • Operating System : Windows
  • Current Version: 1.4.6 GUI Version
  • License : FREE 

MetaMachine signed an agreement with the RIAA in 2006 by means of which eDonkey2000 has stopped being operative. But if you want to muck around with the program's executable, we offer it to you in a download especially thought for nostalgic users.

MetaMachine signed an agreement with the RIAA in 2006 by means of which eDonkey2000 has stopped being operative. But if you want to muck around with the program's executable, we offer it to you in a download especially thought for nostalgic users.

If you're looking for the latest version of eDonkey2000 for Windows, You have come to the right place. You can download eDonkey2000 for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Software.

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